Thursday, January 1, 2009

Caffe Sole

Location: Table Mesa, Boulder Colorado

After back-tracking and driving around for an extra 10 minutes, we finally found it in a little strip mall tucked behind King Soopers. This is sad considering I have an impeccable sense of direction and have been here at least 20 times in the past. This can't be optimal for business.

The place is pretty large with a main room where the entrance and the bar are located, and then a side room with extra seating. There was a good attempt to create a decently comfortable atmosphere with warm yellow paint and some nondescript photos of some local artist hung on the walls. The furniture looks a bit Village Inn. There was ample seating inside and out. Although tucked behind a

supermarket, there was still a great view of the mountains, and since it was a nice day, many people and dogs alike were mingling outside.

The staff is very "Boulder" with the relaxed, slightly hippy unshaven thing going on. The dude I talked to was knowledgeable about their coffee and totally friendly and helpful. He even introduced me to their unique way of brewing coffee. I still need to figure out what the hell it is called, but it's made the mad scientist way over a burner in a beaker thing.

They had what looked like the usual spread of Spruce confections and Aunt Kay's gluten free breads. They also had some coffee cakes that I didn't recognize, but it all looked pretty decent.

The Cap

The cappuccino came in a sturdy 6 oz cup and matching saucer with a very sturdy demi-tasse (we both love a good sturdy utensil), and although it didn't exactly have micro foam, it wasn't a bubble bath either and lo...a Rosetta. 20 points. Very impressed by the effort.

It was definitely on the wet side, but the temperature was good and the espresso had a very nice flavor: smooth, well balanced and almost chocolaty.


  • Price: 2.36 (+ tax)
  • Presentation: all the components there plus the Rosetta. Extra pointage.

  • Proportions: a little too wet to be a true cappuccino.

  • Taste: Very good

  • Atmosphere: decent, but not really notable.

Overall: Worth the trip. Let's say...15 points....based on a mysterious point system only I can know.

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